

Strong points

  • Slick design and marketing

  • Mobile app is well featured

  • Advanced integrations

Weak points

  • Support is email only

  • Lead importing doesn't attach to a listing

  • Pricing gets very expensive, per user rate is very high

  • SMS and Email is handled through usage packages

  • Automation is through Zapier triggers and actions - expensive to do automation


  • #todo

Things to say

  • With Eagle you can combine your website and CRM into one integrated system. Rex websites are on a separate platform and you can't track your contact's activity on your website.

  • With Eagle, our personalised phone support deals with your issues while you're on the phone. We don't just have an answering service that takes down your question and gives you a ticket number.

  • Eagle has Automations vs Rex has Tracks. With Rex Tracks, you are reminded to do something, With Eagle Automations, it is automatically done for you.

  • Eagle has better ease of use, less clicking around.

  • With Eagle, we don't have credit packages. You get unlimited emails and you pay for what you use with SMS. Rex has expensive credit packages where you pay regardless of whether you use it all or not.

  • REX's automations are done via Zapier. Depending on how many "zaps" you need, a typical agency would require the Zapier Enterprise Plan which is approx $620 per month on top of your normal Rex subscription. So what is the true cost of running Rex?


Strong points

  • Image of "Most top agents" use AgentBox

  • Prospecting

  • Reporting

  • Advanced integrations

Weak points

  • Extremely Clunky and non intuitive interface

  • Many people are not using it properly

  • Not flexible - need to prefill information to get a listing live

  • No automation


  • #todo

Things to say

  • Eagle has Automations vs AgentBox has Activity Schedules. With AgentBox Activity Schedules, you are reminded to do something, With Eagle Automations, it is automatically done for you

  • Eagle is much easier to use, less clicking around.

  • Eagle is Easy to find your way around and Intuitive to learn. AgentBox is cluttered and has window popups upon window popups and it is easy to get lost in the system.

  • "Agentbox has too much in there for what I do"

  • Eagle is competitively priced

  • Eagle has deeply integrated websites, simple to change. In a contact record you can see what pages they are visiting on your website

  • Eagle has Beautiful email designs

  • Eagle is easy to learn for new staff (comes back to the intuitive point above)

  • AgentBox has a Dated UI

Other information