
We’re too small/sole trader

  1. We work with a lot of smaller operators and find they benefit the most as the time savings are significant.

  2. Eagle with its automation helps by not having to employ an administration person to perform menial communications.

We don’t need any software or systems

  1. If the software generated one more listing per year, would it be worth it to you?

  2. If we could give you 3 hours back in time per week, would that be worth it?

Not looking to grow or chasing more business

  1. Would you be interested in managing work more efficiently so you have more spare time?

Already have something in place

  1. Find out what they’re using

  2. What features are you using that makes you want to stay?

  3. How long have they been using it?

  4. Have they recently looked at other options that are available?

  5. Is there anything your existing provider could do better?

We’ve been using our current system for a long time

  1. Have they recently looked at other options that are available?

  2. What features are you using that makes you want to stay?

  3. Is there anything your existing provider could do better?

Not in a position right now or poor timing

  1. What will change between now and then that will stop you from looking at it now?

  2. We've found for most of our clients, the timing was never perfect to change. However, they took the initiative and haven't looked back.

Not interested in looking at other options/happy with what they’ve got

  1. What features are you using that makes you want to stay?

  2. Have they recently looked at other options that are available?

  3. Is there anything your existing provider could do better?

Moving and the transition of data is too difficult

  1. We make the process very easy.

  2. We can help clean your data and re-engage with the old contacts.

  3. We have a Data Engineer as part of our Services team that has analysed every real estate CRM provider and can confidently import all your contacts, properties, tasks and notes. Our philosophy is we need to accurately account for each individual record you give us.

Why Eagle? What makes you different?

  1. Genuinely easy to use

  2. Well supported, you can call and chat with us and receive a more personal service.

  3. Innovation. We’re constantly improving our product and actually listen to client feedback.

  4. We only have happy clients and can provide some referrals they can call.

  5. We care. It's not like you are signed up and forgotten. Our team works together to ensure you get the most out of your Eagle service.

I only do property management, I don't need a CRM.

  1. We work with lots of property managers and almost all of the features that work for sales also apply to rentals.

  2. A good CRM will help you build your rent roll. Do you want to nurture and build your rent roll?

  3. Have you automated your Leasing workflow? If not, we can help with that by offering an Inspections Bookings Module with your own Online Tenant Application form.

  4. Have you heard of Ellen Bathgate from Rent Roll Starter? We work closely with Ellen and here is some information where we discuss CRM specifically in relation to property management: http://www.rentrollstarter.com.au/2017/10/22/use-crm-software-rent-roll-properly/

  5. Another example of a specific Property Management focussed business is 360 Property Management. All their property managers use Eagle to facilitate leads, advertise listings and manage their database.

What's the price?

  1. The price depends on a couple of things. Namely;

    1. What services do you require? CRM, Website, Sales Trust, Marketing and Leasing

    2. How many users do you require for your team?

  2. Price varies on what you need as we have a number of different solutions. As a ballpark figure you could expect somewhere between $150 and $350 P/month….is that what you were expecting?

  3. (Follow up question) Is that within your budget?

I can't afford it!

  1. Can we explore some options for a payment plan or free time?

  2. What can you afford at this time?

  3. What are you paying at the moment? Maybe we could review all your subscriptions and find areas where we can save you money.